Monday, February 27, 2006

Simple Still Life: Month the Sixth, Part the Second

Guess what! My February Simple Still Life entry was due this past weekend and I forgot. Oopsie. Oh well, never mind, here it is, only a couple of days late and a few dollars short. The theme for February was Red. I had, at one time, thought I might work in fabric or colored pencils or something for this month, but since I forgot about it until yesterday (!!!), I did some PhotoshopPhun instead. My goal was to take my photographs, which already featured red objects, and see if I could manipulate them to emphasize the theme even more. Here is the first photo I started with: "Red Lines" And here is how I made it Redderererer (That is TOO a word. Shut up.): "Red Lines 2" Here is the other photo I started with: "Red Shoes and Pencils": And here are some various things I did with it: "Red: Less is More" "Red Outlines" "Really Red" The March theme is to photograph three things that are alike, yet different, such as three differently shaped vases, or three different things that are all yellow. Will DebR come up with something fabulously exciting for this theme? Will she remember to post the photos by next weekend?? Will she stop the annoying affectation of speaking about herself in the third person??? Find out later this week on an all-new episode of - Red Shoe Ramblings!