Monday, January 30, 2006

Simple Still Life: Month the Fifth, Part the Second

Got it in before the end of the month - Yay me! To refresh your memory, the theme this month was "2 alike, 3 different". I started with two potential photos, but this is the one I ended up deciding to work with: I originally thought I would do something fabric-y based on this photo and I still might. (If I do, I'll post another photo when it's finished.) But in the meantime, the month was running out and I didn't want to feel like I had to rush the fabric piece, so I decided to do a drawing instead. I had, after all, mentioned wanting to post another drawing anyway, and this way I could kill two stones with one bird (Har!). So here ya go: "Rock Faces" graphite and colored pencil on paper February's SSL challenge should be fun. The theme is RED!!