Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tuesday Trek Update

Slide mission accomplished. I haven't projected them, but I've looked them over in my little light-up viewer thingy and they look pretty good. Not angel-choir-inspiring perhaps, but I also didn't see any rock suckage in the immediate vicinity, so I think they'll do. No shoes, fabric, or beads purchased. No innocent bystanders attacked in pursuit of a sugar high. Whew! I had a really light and delish lunch, which allowed me to feel not-too-terribly unvirtuous when I had a small frappuccino light, (no whipped cream) later in the afternoon. (My guilty pleasure, remember?) I also bought two books from the bargain table. Hard to resist those hardcover books at less-than-paperback prices! One is by an author I've never read but have been wanting to try (Karin Slaughter) and the other is by Mary Higgins Clark, who I used to just LOVE back in her first-published days, then her style seemed to change and I started to not like her books so very much, so I haven't read one in quite a while. But I decided to try again. If I don't like it, I can always either list it on half.com or donate it to the library. And I bought the extended-cut DVD of "Stripes", because after all these years that movie still makes me laugh. Not a bad day at all.